Our Abuse Policy

Hositex Abuse Policy.

Should you wish to alert us of a violation of our Terms & Conditions, and, or report any abuse involving a Registered Domain Name on our hositex.com network, please lodge the report as per the steps below.

Illegal content that must be reported includes, but is not limited to, Child Pornography, Child Trafficking, Child-oriented Services (e.g. Grooming), Child Sex Tourism and other sexual offences, etc.

An ABUSE REPORT email must contain the following information:

  • URL of the where the abuse was found
    NOTE: This must be clearly displayed at the beginning of the email;
  • Description of the abuse detected;
  • IP address on the Hositex.com network, if available.
  1. The email address to report abuse is: abuse@hositex.com and,
  2. our 24/7 emergency number is: +27 68 860 5342.

Please note that Hositex will respond within a 24-hour period and take the appropriate legal steps required.

Legal Information & Procedure

Hositex is a registered South African company, and as such shall comply to those laws. Should any legal requests emanate from other countries’ agencies, they must be served via a South African Court of Law and its due processes.
Child Pornography: is covered under the South African Films Publications act, and the obligations of internet access and service providers is found under Clause 24C.
Child Trafficking: South Africa was a signatory of the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking which was signed in 2000 and ratified in 2004. … Clause 14 criminalised the act of trafficking of children and Clause 16 prohibited the prosecution of victims of trafficking. The South African Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Act 7 of 2013.
Child Sex Tourism: After explaining the nature and extent of the problem of child sex tourism, this article identifies the relevant instruments of international law, before discussing the legal tools available in South Africa to deal with this issue.
Sexual Offences: as defined in the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 32 of 2007


Regarding Information

Hositex does not store any Credit Card information on their systems, and is therefore unable to provide same. All Credit Card information is stored via the 3rd Party Gateway supplier.
Hositex does retain certain client information that is utilised for Billing purposes, as well as data that is required to run the client’s account, products and services. Data storage is dependent on:

  • the User, whom can delete their data and mails as they chose.
  • Expired or cancelled products and services may be deleted after 30-days.

Hositex requires a signed warrant/subpoena issued via the South African Judiciary system as previously mentioned, where the site’s IP address and specific timeline are stated therein.
Hositex protects the consumer under the POPI (Protection of Personal Information) Act 2013 and shall not distribute any information to a third party whatsoever, unless authorised to do so by a South African Court of Law.
On receipt of a valid request, Hositex will supply WHOIS details for a domain registration and can supply account holder details as follows:

  • First & Last Names
  • Contact number
  • Physical address
  • Email addresses
  • IP Address (date-time stamped) from which the order was placed.

Takedown Information

The Takedown guidelines are set out in Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (Act 25 of 2002) and personal information is required on the form to validate a Takedown Notification. Details of this information may also be found on the ISPA (Internet Service Providers’ Association) website.
Hositex can only assist in content that is hosted on their platform via a valid User Account. All Takedown Notices must be lodged in writing and can be sent to abuse@hositex.com.
Hositex cannot assist in any content that is posted on a social media platform e.g. Twitter, Facebook, etc., please liaise directly with the provider. Likewise, Hositex is unable to request removal of any content that is found on search engines that are not hosted on the Hositex.com platform.
The Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (Act 25 of 2002) provides immunity to South African ISPs (Internet Service Providers) from liability for content that is transited through, or hosted on their networks.